Here's the "Indie's for Courage" a group we are partnered with that contains many of Indie Developers that are all over the scene from the obscure to the day to day known. This is through "Operation Supply Drop" and is a way for us to give our games to the soldiers both in active duty and wounded. We use our talents to help these men and women of the armed forces get away from their day to day nightmares and take their minds off being away from their families. It's not much compared to their trials but every little bit helps from everyone, not just us developers. Remember to support your troops. When you see one active, wounded or 20 years out of the service, shake their hand and tell them "Thank you" and really show we all appreciate what they do.

@IndieGamerChick on twitter, she is responsible for organizing the whole Indies for Courage between us developers and the Operation Supply Drop fellows. She coordinates and gets us talking to each other and prepares us for any rules or benefits that come of it. She deserves mention mainly because she does this out of a very big heart and asks nothing in return. This gamer chick gives and keeps giving to the Indie Community and through Indies for Courage. Look her up if your interested in finding out more about Indies for Courage and more about the games she reviews.

These are the first to review Rofaxan 2089 AD and to our surprise gave us a pretty damned good review! Thanks for getting the ball rolling guys!

These are the first to interview me and our mission at AngryGam3rs. We have been strong partners with these guys for a while now and really appreciate the (9 out of 10) review we got from a reviewer that hated this style of game. (So what's they say for us) well if I guy who doesn't like shooters give it a 9 out of 10 you can damn well bet it's good!

Then there's colexions.com. A huge group on online memorabilia collectors that include us gamers, retro gamers, train collectors, pretty much anything you can image. This group has been extremely supportive of us and trying to help us get our name out to the masses and Rofaxan. I will put up their logo as soon as I get a chance to snatch on from the site LOL Sorry Corey Buckner I'll get that banner up ASAP LOL.

Xbox Live Indie Games Community Forums and Developers. These guys have been instrumental in getting Rofaxan in proper form for the Xbox community. These guys while working on their own projects take time out to peer review the games and to help coach us newbies in the right direction for the best possible chance at a successful deployment! Thanks guys!

These guys are a blast and have a great show. I have talked with them on twitter on several occasions and they have been helping us get our direction a little better as things get more complex as we grow in size. Definitely check out their podcasts!

JLTGames - Game reviewer with a twist. Really enjoy his reviews and definitely worth subscribing to his youTube channel for the totally different approach to game reviewing. Rofaxan will soon be added to his reviews and I think having a video review will prove just how good Rofaxan is :)